Shaving Collectibles
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Description: The M3Power razor is the Mach 3 with a battery powered micro-pulse motor. It also has the triple Power Glide blades and the Indicator Lubrastrip with Vitamin E and Aloe and the ergonomic handle with rubber gripper pads
Manufacturer: The handle is made by The Gillette Company, China and distributed by Gillette Commercial Operations North America.
Type: Gillette
Country: Other
Patent: There are 45 pat. nos. listed on the package
from 4,586,255 to 6,594,904 and twelve Design pat. nos. from D397,290 to D447,283. Complete list available on request.
Comment: This model claims to give Gillettes Best Shave Ever. The gentle micro-pulses are supposed to stimulate hair up and away from skin.
Source: e sinker